Nominations open for the Lakeside Writings literary prize

20 March 2023


Nominations are now open for the "Scritture di Lago" Literary Prize 2023, a contest that enhances and highlights the charm and attractiveness of lake regions.
The prize is dedicated to literary works set on lakes and water. The aim is to promote the writing and knowledge of the lakes and their environmental, cultural and economic heritage and to encourage the tourist promotion of the lakes through literature. 
The prize is free of charge and reserved for over 18s. It is a good opportunity to spread the beauty of these landscapes and bring to attention glimpses, stories, plots, views and scenarios through narration. 
The prize is organised by the non-profit association "Lario In" with the support of Banca Generali and includes three sections
- the Regio Insubrica prize for unpublished short stories
- the Dei Laghi prize, reserved for published short stories and novels;
- the Ponti sull'acqua prize for published translations into Italian. 
The unpublished section, in particular, will award prizes to short stories on the theme of lakes in the foothills of the Alps and Italian-speaking Switzerland, thus bringing attention to our territory as well. An anthology published by Morellini Editore will be published and will contain the winning short story, the finalist short stories and any short stories that have been nominated. The winner and the finalists will be awarded at an event to be held in Como on 28 September 2023. 
Scritture di Lago will also award a "Young Authors" prize consisting in a scholarship of Euro 500 to a deserving author identified among the participants in the 2023 edition's Edited and Unedited Sections. The texts must be sent by e-mail by 10 May 2023. 
The Premio Laghi section also envisages the submission of novels and short stories set even partially on Italian lakes, and our Lake Garda would be an excellent protagonist. Locations with fictional names will also be admitted as long as the context is identifiable. 
For the section of translations into Italian, on the other hand, there are no geographical limitations and the stories can be about any lake setting anywhere in the world. Three finalist translators will be selected by a reading committee made up of students from the Translation course at the Free University of Languages and Communication IULM in Milan. Each finalist will receive a prize of Euro 250, while the winner will receive a further Euro 250.
It is therefore a good opportunity both to participate actively and to discover numerous writings with a lake theme, in general, and specifically some of our Garda. 
All the details of the call for entries can be found here.
