Garda Green News

24 July 2024

Lake Garda and Verona. From high season to overtourism the step is short

Looking for a solution between the closed number and the deseasonalisation of the tourist offer

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15 July 2024

Goodbye carp, whitefish and trout "In Garda there are no more fish".

The cry of pain of professional fishermen from the three shores of the Benaco. Most of their income is based on whitefish, which have fallen by 80 per cent: "New sowings are needed, but the law forbids them because they are not native". Some species are endangered, it is forbidden to catch eels because they are contaminated. And there is the torpedo plague

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03 July 2024

Toscolano Maderno, supplementary urban hygiene services

More cleanliness and more decorum with supplementary urban hygiene services. The Municipality of Toscolano Maderno has activated them in order to cope with the exponential increase in waste production that occurs during the months of greatest tourist numbers.

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25 June 2024

Bacteria over the limits in Garda, bathing ban at Spiaggia dei Pini in Purfina

Urgent order by the mayor Santi, but the signs are only posted hours later: this is a popular 'hot spot' for bathers

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18 June 2024

Tremosine, unstable rock face: landslide risk. The Forra road is still closed

Bad news from the update table between the Province and the Municipality

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11 June 2024

WWF, tons of waste recovered from Lake Garda between 2022 and 2023

Lake Garda- Submerged waste, which cannot be seen. The lake is full of it. We take stock of the state of the sea bed, and the actions to safeguard it, with Paolo Zanollo of the WWF Bergamo Brescia

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